Russian Festivals

How do we Celebrates Maslenitsa Festival?

Maslenitsa Festival

How do we Celebrates Maslenitsa Festival? In Russia, March is unique because it’s time for the Maslenitsa Festival. The most cheerful holiday in Russia.

March notes the change between winter and summer. With other names such as the Sun Festival, the Pancake, or Butter Week, this festival celebrates the end of the coldness and the start of warmth, hope, and growth. 

Celebration of the Maslenitsa festival 

According to the English calendar of the Eastern Slavs, March is the border between winter and the approaching spring. So it’s appropriate to say that Maslenitsa is farewell to winter and welcoming spring. The people of Russia have celebrated this festival for many centuries and for further. The people of Russia celebrate Maslenitsa over seven days, from Monday to Sunday. Maslenitsa is a very traditional holiday, and everybody in Russia does praise it. Unfortunately, there is no official Holiday during this week. People enjoy it with their family, friends, relatives.

Maslenitsa Festival


The essential everyday activities that Russian people do on those days include: 

  • sledding from the hill
  • cooking traditional pancakes 
  • singing folk songs, 
  • snow fighting, 
  • horse riding, and other different conventional fighting games. 

Also, people visit friends and relatives. Russian people believe that noise and excitement can help wake up the spring and bring a good crop production in the summer. 

Another tradition is making pancakes and is the most important tradition. The pancakes of the traditional Maslenitsa food represent the sun. It’s different from American pancakes because Russians manage to make it thinner, and they eat pancakes with varying kinds of jam, heavy cream, honey, and clotted cheese.

Maslenitsa Festival

There is no particular dress for Maslenitsa. Russian people wear the typical traditional clothing that they can wear for any other occasion. Maslenitsa considers every one of the significant ancient holidays of the year, so people, particularly youngsters, prefer to wear ancient costumes. Usually, it is a dress that contains many layers. The most popular colour at this festival is red, but other colours like blue and green. The dress can also be magnified with a traditional pattern. There are also headscarves or a. a unique hat which calls “kokoshnik”. This hat also be embroidere with pearls and decorative drops.

Traditional activities performed during the seven days of the Maslenitsa Festival

How do we Celebrates Maslenitsa Festival? On Monday, made a fair figure representing winter (known as a Churchill and dressed in an older woman’s colourful clothing) in each village participating in Maslenitsa. The first day of the celebration is one of the most creative ones as well. The citizens sing and dance the khorovod (a traditional dance where everyone forms a circle, believed to protect against evil) around the figure. Historically, these activities were thought to gather the morality of the sun and ensure a good harvest. Everyone is busy enjoying themselves as much as possible to protect against loneliness and fight for grief. The women who married with tradition (who went to live with their husbands’ families after the wedding) returned to their families for the week and enjoyed themselves.

Maslenitsa Festival

Other days of Maslenitsa Festival

How do we Celebrates Maslenitsa Festival? Tuesday (Zaigrysh or Game Day) dedicate to youthful activities such as sledding and playing folk games. Decent young men were encouraged to kiss any young woman interested in or passed on the street.

Wednesday begins with sons-in-law visiting their mothers-in-law to be treated to pancakes and encourages them to eat a pancake. The pancakes are traditionally made with buckwheat, oats, filled with mushrooms and jam.

Thursday begins the height of festivities. Everyone takes leave from work, and children go door-to-door in traditional Carnival costumes to ask for pancakes. Ice skating and skiing are popular activities, and climbing greasy poles, fistfights, and mock.

Children dressed in Carnival costumes go door-to-door to ask neighbours for a pancake treat.

Friday known as Mother-In-Law’s Eve. Sons-in-law personally invite their mothers-in-law to parties to eat pancakes they prepare with utensils provided by the mothers-in-law and wheat and butter supplied by the fathers-in-law. The invitation expects to show respect to his mother-in-law. The families of both husband and wife visit each other to become better introduced.

Maslenitsa Festival

Saturday call as Sister-in-Law’s Day. Newlywed women invite sisters-in-law to their homes, along with men. The purpose is to improve relations between the women.

Maslenitsa Festival’s last day is Sunday. People ask Forgiveness from those they may have wronged in the past year. As a reminder, soap given to women and towels to men as gifts to symbolize purity and use in bathing rituals the next day to start Lent in cleanliness. Everyone visits dead family members’ graves and leaves pancakes. Leftover pancakes are eaten. The Maslenitsa image burned to signify the end of winter and the beginning of spring and redemption and new life through death, crops.

Moscow city has unique decorations for the festival.

How do we Celebrate Maslenitsa Festival? Moscow is a vast city in Russia, and during Maslenitsa Festival, the towns decorates in many different places with Different types of Colourful Lights. Decorations of squares with small colourful flags and pictures of traditional patterns. The remainder of the holiday and the most important decoration is the scarecrow of Maslenitsa Festival. Because it’s valuable for winter, you must burn it at the end of the festival. Each square, each home, or each fair can have its scarecrow. It is a festival of happiness and Forgetting the past and starting a new life with their families, relatives, and friends.

Rahul Modhgil

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